Chandeliers must be properly packed prior to shipping to ensure that it arrives safely and in good condition. Because it consists of fragile components like lights bulbs, crystals ornaments, or glass shades, all these items must be removed from the chandelier body and packed individually. Here are some tips on how to properly pack and ship a chandelier.
Remove all the light bulbs from the sockets. Wrap each one in cloth or bubble wrap and individually place in a small box. label each box indicating the contents.
Take off ornaments, such as shades, crystal beads, and tear drops. Wrap them individually with bubble wrap and secure with tape. Place the ornaments in a box together with packing peanuts. Make sure that the box is well packed such that the contents will not move when the box is closed and sealed. Also, put a label on this box.
Make the chandelier body as small as possible. Some chandeliers can be disassembled to make it less bulky by folding the arms or unscrewing some parts. Bubble wrap each component that was removed and arrange them in a box together with a lot of packing materials. Don’t forget to place screws and small components in sealable bags and label them.
If your chandelier body can’t be disassembled, you will have to find a sturdy box that is big enough to accommodate it and provide extra space for padding. Place a firm foam base at the bottom of a large box and set the chandelier body in the center.
Place the bag of screws and boxes of bulbs, crystals, and shades on the sides of the large box. Fill the box with packing popcorn up to the top, making sure that it is well packed and there’s no chance for the contents to shift during transport.
Place another piece of firm foam over the contents. Close the box and seal generously with packaging tape. Also tape all seams of the box, even the bottom.
Address and label the box and take to a reputable shipping company. You may want to consider buying insurance for the package.