Collecting comic books has become a multi-million dollar industry. The avid collector is willing to shell out huge amounts of cash just to get their hands on rare or most-wanted editions. Shipping comic books require utmost care and attention because some comics can get so expensive. No collector would ever want to receive a damaged comics because of poor packaging. Here is a guideline on how to properly pack and ship comic books so that they will arrive in perfect condition.
The general rule in packing for shipping also applies to comic books. The key to successful shipping of these items is to ensure that they have no room to move around within the packaging.
While still in its poly bag, take the comic book/s that you are shipping and wrap it in newspaper. The newspaper will prevent the tape from adhering to the poly bag.
Get some 1/8 inch thick corrugated cardboard and cut two pieces that are just a little bigger than the bagged comic.
Insert the comic book between the two cardboard pieces and secure with packaging tape on all four corners. Make sure that the comic books are tight together but not too tight that it causes damage.
Place the boarded comics into a #3 bubble padded mailer. You can send up to 4 comic books using the mailer.
If you are sending more than four comic books, follow the same procedure above but use a box instead of a mailer. A 10x8x2 literature mailers or appropriate sized flat rate boxes from the post office will do. Fill up the box with shredded paper so that the contents will not move around and cause damage during transit.
Secure the mailer or box with packaging tape, address and take to the post office for shipping.