An exercise ball, also called Pilates ball, yoga ball, medicine ball and fitness ball, is a popular gym equipment used for various applications including physical therapy, athletic training and exercise. It is made from of soft elastic plastic material and is inflated with air through a valve stem. The air pressure inside the ball can be adjusted by either filling with air or letting the ball deflate through the valve stem. It usually comes with an air pump which is used to inflate the ball.
The diameter of an exercise ball varies from 35 to 85 centimeters (14 to 34 inches). Its size and shape, plus the material it is made from, demand extra precaution when shipping. Here are some tips on how to properly pack and ship an exercise ball to ensure that it is protected from damage during transit.
An exercise ball is best shipped in its deflated form. Apart from reducing its size for easier packing, deflating the ball also ensures that it will not pop or get punctured while in transit. To deflate an exercise ball, look for the ball’s inflation hole and remove the valve stem. Once the valve stem is removed, you may apply pressure to the ball, either by squeezing or lying on it, to encourage air to escape. Then, carefully roll or fold the ball, forcefully expelling any remaining air.
Wrap the infated exercise ball in bubble wrap and secure with tape. Place the wrapped ball in a sturdy box with packing materials all around. Close and seal the box with packaging tape.
Address and label the package and bring to your local post office or shipping company.