How to Pack and Ship Live Anthurium Plants

How to ship live anthurium plants Live anthurium plants are great gifts for someone who loves flowering plants and gardening in general. These plants are easy to grow and propagate.  They also come in a wide variety of bloom colors, shapes and sizes. Anthuriums are also easy to ship and sturdy enough to withstand the rough shipping environment as long as proper packing is observed before shipping. Here are some tips on how to properly pack and ship live anthurium plants.

Clean the roots of the anthurium plant by placing it under running water. Make sure that no soil particles remain on the roots of the plant.

Take several layers of paper towels and damp them with water using a spray bottle.  The towels must be moist but not soaked. Wrap the roots of the plant with the damp paper towels.  This will prevent the roots from drying out.

Use clear plastic wrap to wrap around the paper towels to help retain the moisture and prevent the water from leaking into the box.

Attach a label on the plant indicating its variety.

Carefully wrap the whole anthurium plant, including the leaves, with newspaper to protect  them.     Use scotch tape to secure the paper.

Place the wrapped plant in a box and cushion all sides, top and bottom with packing peanuts or shredded paper.

Close the box and seal with packaging tape.  Address and label the package and take to a shipping company or the post office.

If the roots are wrapped properly, the plant will last 3 or 4 days during normal temperatures. To be safe, pick the quickest shipping option that your budget allows.

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