While airsoft guns themselves are legal in many parts of the world, there are some countries that have specific restrictions in owning, selling and importing these kind of items. When shipping an airgun abroad, it is best to know the Import and Export laws of the country you are shipping to. If airguns are not permitted to be shipped to a country, then don’t ship it there. Taking a risk and shipping despite a ban can lead you to trouble. You can be labeled as an arms smuggler, made to pay a hefty fine or get your shipped airsoft guns confiscated.
For countries that allow shipping airguns, Customs Declaration forms are a major requirement. You must properly fill out these documents and declare the contents of your package, as well as their weight and value. Make the declaration as clear and truthful as possible. Writing your item as a “Toy Airsoft Replica” will avoid getting your airsoft confused with the real thing as compared to writing it as “M16 Super Ultra-Fancy.”
Properly pack the airsoft gun, providing it with sufficient protection and padding. Since its most likely to be shipped by air, expect that it will get a lot of abuse. Use a lot of shipping foam and wrap the gun in layers upon layers of bubble wrap before encasing it in a sturdy shipping box to ensure that it survives the rough handling it will get.