Just like any food items that are in breakable containers, proper preparation is required when shipping bottled jellies and jams. Each jar must be wrapped individually and arranged in a sturdy shipping box with enough packaging materials so that it arrives intact and delectable.
Get a sturdy shipping box and tape the base with shipping tape to ensure the weight of the jars will not collapse it. Layer an inch of packing peanuts into the base of the box. Create sections for individual jars by cutting the spare cardboard into 4inch tall pieces and set them into the box at 4 inches apart. These slots will give more stability to the jars while they are being shipped.
Wrap the well-sealed jars with a piece of bubble wrap with a little excess on the top and bottom. Gently lay the jar onto the wrap on your table, and roll the jar up into the wrap. Tape the ends of the excess wrap over the top and bottom of the jar.
Place the jars into the box, upright into their specific slots in the cardboard frame. Add more packing materials, making sure that all spaces are filled. Close the box and seal it close with tape. Label the box with the marker, and send it out through either priority mail, UPS or FEDEX.