How to Ship Glass Mosaic Crafts

shipping glass mosaic crafts

Glass mosaic crafts make unique gift items. Colorful glass pieces turn ordinary objects into works of art. Sea glass from the beach, glass beads, broken glass plates, and other glass items are used to create patterns and designs on vases, tabletops, lamps, luminaries to make them unique art pieces.

Glass pieces can also be used to make portraits or as embellishments to frames, mirrors, and other decorative items. When shipping glass mosaic crafts, proper packing is important to prevent damaging the fragile glass pieces. Here are some tips on how to properly pack and ship glass mosaic items.

Make sure that the glue has completely dried before packing the glass mosaic item. Otherwise, the glass pieces may peel off or the wet glue might stick to packaging material and ruin the item.

Wrap the item in tissue paper and then with a generous amount of bubble wrap. Make sure that all parts are well-cushioned and protected. Use tape to keep the wrap from coming undone.

Place the wrapped item in an appropriately-sized box, which can snugly accommodate the object with at least 2 inches of extra space on all sides. Fill the bottom with a layer of packing materials before laying the item on top. Fill remaining spaces on all sides and top with more packing materials. The item should remain in the center of the box and incapable of movement.

Close the box and seal securely with packaging tape. Address and label the package and take to the post office or shipping company.

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