Many people are starting to make their own pasta as they prefer the taste and texture of homemade pasta over the commercially available ones. Some even make pasta-making a lucrative home business.
Homemade pasta can be easily and safely shipped elsewhere as long as you follow certain precautions. For one, they must be shipped in the shortest possible time to avoid getting spoiled. Because they have no preservatives, homemade pasta tends to have a shorter shelf life that your run of the mill pasta. Here are some tips on how to properly pack and ship homemade pasta.
Make sure to pack only homemade pasta that has already dried up completely. Moist pasta is very fragile and can go bad quickly because of molds and bacteria.
Place the dried pasta in a sealable bag or an air-tight plastic container. Either way, make sure that the homemade pasta is well pack and that there is no space in the container that will allow the pasta to move around or bang into each other while in transit. You may use tissue paper to fill any space within the container. Wrap the bag or container in babble wrap and secure it with rubber bands.
Place the wrapped pasta in a sturdy shipping box with a layer of packaging materials such as packing peanuts, bubble wrap, and shredded paper, in the bottom. Fill the remaining spaces with more packaging materials until the top of the box is reached. The idea is to keep the container in the center of the box and incapable of moving.
Close the box and seal with packaging tape. Address and label the package and take to your local post office or shipping company. Pick the fastest shipping option possible to ensure that the homemade pasta will arrive fresh.