Cake pops are the latest craze in desserts. These popular treats on sticks are actually made by mixing cake crumbs with frosting, forming them into balls (or other fancy shapes) and sticking them into sticks. They are then dipped in a special frosting or coated with fondant and decorated in any number of ways. Because they come in a variety of flavors, shapes, and designs, cake pops are great for parties. Kids adore them while adults like them because they eliminate the need for plates and utensils to enjoy.
The high demand for these fancy treats opted many enterprising individuals to venture into the cake pops making and selling business. However, much new cake pops sellers are apprehensive of shipping their items because of their perishable nature and fragile composition. While not exactly a piece of cake, it is comforting to know that these cute and delectable treats can be shipped safely as long as proper packing techniques are employed. Here are some tips on how to properly pack and ship cake pops to ensure that they arrive looking and tasting good.
Individually wrap the cake pops with clear plastic bags. You can use colorful ribbons to tie the plastic in place. This will prevent the pops from getting contaminated or damaged. The ribbons also make them look presentable. For cake pops with protruding embellishments, wrap them generously with bubble wrap to keep them intact.
Use a sturdy cardboard box to ship cake pops. Line the box with tissue paper which should be long enough to extend to the flaps of the box. Then, line the bottom of the box with a couple of layers of bubble wrap.
Arrange the pops on top of the bubble wrap, making sure that the sticks are tucked under and heads are not resting on another head. The pops should form a flat layer. Lay another sheet of bubble wrap before placing the second layer of cake pops. Repeat this procedure until all pops are in the box. Finish with a sheet of bubble wrap on top. Take the excess tissue paper and fold over the top of the bubble wrap. Seal with tape.
Close the box and shake gently. If there is movement, fill empty spaces with more bubble wrap until the contents do not shift anymore. Seal and secure the box with packaging tape.
Attach addresses and labels. You might want to indicate which side is up. Take the package to your local post office or shipping company and use overnight or expedited service.