How to Ship Cookies Overseas

Ship cookies Here are practical tips on how to pack and ship cookies abroad. Place a piece of waxed paper between two cookies and stack the cookies bottom to bottom. Just wrap the waxed paper around the cookies, keeping them in stacks of two. (You can wrap the cookies individually, but wrapping them two at a time, back to back, will keep them more secure during shipment.)

Add a layer of wrapped cookies across the bottom of a small box, then cover with a layer of plastic wrap. Repeat the layers until the box is filled, ending with a layer of plastic wrap on top.

After wrapping your cookies securely, make sure you have an airtight container to ship them in. You can purchase inexpensive shipping boxes at discount stores or even the post office. You can recycle your own small boxes too, as long as they are in good shape.You can even select a rectangular shipping box like the size of a shoe box. You can also use decorated tins or plastic containers.

Tape the top of the box securely, then fill and secure the remaining small boxes. Place them into the bottom of your shipping box and add plastic wrap or Styrofoam.Tightly secure the shipping box with packing tape.

Last but not least, mark the words “FRAGILE” all over the box.

Select a shipping company in your area and choose the fastest priority shipping option possible if you’re sending homemade cookies to ensure that they remain fresh. Verify the overseas shipping address carefully before filling out a mailing label. Send the cookies out as early in the week as possible so they don’t end up getting delayed on a weekend.

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